BENUE: The Tiv people are generally known for their unique dresses and the human nature of well coming and receiving strangers as well interacting freely with visitors around them. Beside these things they are also known for their disunity and chasing air, worthless issues and getting involved in good for nothing matters.  It is only a Tiv man that cans create anxiety in other to destroy another.  This is not limited to bringing down and ensuring their good images never stand the test of time.
The Tiv people have never at any time find another Tiv man worthy to occupying any exulted seat, this is a common thing among the tiv people. The disunity among the Tiv elites and the working class is imaginable. Only a Tiv brother see’s nothing good about another Tiv brother who ordinarily should do anything to protect another instead, do all things to bring them down. A Tiv man does not see anything why the brother must be given an important position while he or she is readily available to if given.
This is the reason why a Tiv man has always remained at the bottom of everything. In politics Tiv people are the majority in Benue State, but because of disunity even with them having the leadership position they are still poorly treated in the federal. The game of politics is the game of number, the Tiv people have the number but the anxiety in every one to be in power is worrisome.  In civil service the Tiv people are found almost in all states and federal government offices, the military and paramilitary the problem remains that disunity reign superior over them. Non will give reason for not loving the other but all they want is this man must not be here.
This events has happened in Tiv land among Tiv elites for as long as the history of Tiv’s. In 1976, when the military were expected to quit the stage and hand over power to the civilians, all hope been that there was going to an elected government which was to be given the mandate by the electorates, immediately all hope were say to be directed on a young man in Tiv speaking area of Benue State who hails from Tarka local government area, Mr. J S Tarka now late. Tarka was tip as a possible candidate for the Tiv Nation and front presidential aspirants in the middle belt region and the entire north.
Tarka then a front runner and a political leader who all eyes were set from many quarters to be given that opportunity was pull down by another Tiv brother. In a usual way as a Tiv man’s hatreds on themselves a Lagos based business Mr. Godwin A. Dabo appeared from no were with allegations and sworn an affidavit against the man J S Tarka for misuse of public office and public funds.
As if that was not enough, Mr. S J I Akure took a swift drive on another Tiv brother who was then the governor of Benue State late Mr. Aper Aku. Akure sworn an affidavit at Makurdi high court. In his comments he accused late Mr. Aku of  abuse of public office. The Tiv people and their politics, both in civil service, military and paramilitary has been backward  due to their political differences of pulling down one another at all levels. At the same time there was serious misunderstanding among the Tiv people in a similar case the Mr. Paul Unongo, Tarka face off brought darkness on development in Tiv land. No Tiv man will ever see another Tiv brother perform better, they will prefer is either them or it should be non Tivtribes,that be given to occupy an exolted position both in Benue and in federal offices.
The Tiv people are again at it, here the executive governor of Benue State was again attacked in many quarters, chiefly among them is the devastating issue of the certificate forgery among other things. This man was given the mandate to represent his constituency, and he did that without problem for eight years in the federal House of Representatives. After which he was given same to do in Benue State as a governor, this opportunity to saddle the leadership and affairs of his State may be influence by someone, but the ultimate is that the electorate gave him the mandate and no man must expect glory except God.
It may be seen as a usual politics in Tiv land for  brothers to fight against themselves, those who fuel such problems are those who are no longer honored, or have lost favor from the leadership as well as the government. During the days of AperAku it was the same man who was the leader of his party who laid the ghost bridge for him to see his down fall. In the days of J S Tarka it was the same, no man came from outside to fight him, but his own people. Today also the glamour for a change is game must understand that politics is not a just but also filtering the air the Tiv elites have already join but we must ensure we work as one.
