In any society you must find some who may have been doing things quit different from the laws and rules of their community. Though that does not mean they are not part of the society, but due to the nature of human independent and autonomy (right).
Bko Haram came into light in the first tenure of Mr. Goodluck E. Jonathan and since then many of our innocent citizens have died from one form of death to another. This is clearly "EVIL" fighting for the right of the people is not killing or destroying houses in the name of "we don't want Western education" this is evil and does not speak well for any group, persons, individuals or organisation whose intention is of such magnitude. 
Boko Haram came up with what we may see as an issue to any society, they said we don't want Western education that is to say that if they had wanted peace to reign they would have prefer to see this fight as a fight for the well being of the people rather than a fight for "SORROW" what do this fight give the entire North East region of Nigeria, what do Nigeria stand to gain in this fight, do we say peace or sorrow. For many of those who died, many of them have lost their loved ones, many have been displaced with their families, many communities lived under the fear of the unknown, many have been abducted in one form  of attack and another.

Do we fight to win and leave our communities in fear or we will fight to win and see our people rejoicing. We must put Nigeria first and every other thing behind us, be it religion, be it tribe, be it colour be it culture and norms we must strive to see peace among us than any other of such. I see Islam as a peaceful religion, but i see this calculated killing on innocent Nigerian citizens as "EVIL" which does not speak well for any religion. The leaders of Boko Haram must stop this senseless killing and face the reality of life, were by even if this war continue and the whole country goes down they will never achieve any thing out of all the "BLOOD" shade which may not really be of help to them in the end. Unity is what we hope to see, oneness is what we wish, we must come together as one to fight this terror for the good of our people and our country.
