Rail Ways are the most simple means of travelling as well as pocket friendly. Rail Ways have the capacity of carrying more than what ten buses may have carried at once, and also the level of transporting petroleum products on the road is ease when Rail Ways are put in place. Today the ancient means of travelling in Nigeria has become a ghost  transportation sector, this due to the facts that year in year out the federal government of Nigeria pump money into this sector, yet it is rather deteriorating than improving in the end. This is one transport that can never be over rated in any economy that wants to grow because with Trains in use many of the far journey which ten to twenty buses or more performed at different trips can be done in a single trip. Recently Rail Ways were revamped in some States and commissioned by the president on every visit. But to the extent of who and what Nigerians are this project is a failed project due to the level our government has failed in the area of giving priority attention. Last Month, been January 2015, Rail Way Station was commissioned in Benue State capital Makurdi. But as we talk now, the train that was seen on the newspaper pages and television channels left as soon as the presidential convoy left the city of Makurdi, this was less than 24 hours. Till this moment no train has ply the station or the rout as we were told. The government in the highest desperation to win the heart of the people before election began to implement what i see as ghost project in order to attract more votes from the people. But if this is something to write home about then, the government of the day has failed in every sector of the economy. This is one thing Nigerians must know, the train we see on television is the same used in all the stations were PDP government paid visit, turning every one to believe that there is hope which in real terms there is no hope to revive this sector of economy for now, not even this regime. We must see this government as our enemy due to some ghost project they have embarked on with giving us the real thing as we desire. GOD BLESS NIGERIA!
