Between AD 1000 and 1600, the people of West Africa passed through a great and memorable period of time. During the period many West African countries or communities had developed more useful methods of leadership through government or empires at this period.
They worked out new ways to organisation their communities and their way of life by enforcing laws and order. Some of the communities went on without Chiefs and Kings as well as central government  which never played any role then, while some of the people funded either large States or Empires. Some of the cities grew in size and wealth and became homes of different kinds of craft men, traders/business, soldiers, politicians, religions and some men of learning.
With some of the African countries been blessed in different kinds of mineral resources, some of them had began to to export early, this trading was done in other to meet with the urgent needs of the people. Some trading States and cities became valuable part of the whole wide networking of some international trades that were exported from West Africa to North Africa down to Southern Europe, then to West Asia. 
Even about this time there were war all over the place, war is one thing that happened to any community were men of different characters become too anxious to become everything, rule or give orders, issue policies and command their own wishes to become others. War existed because any place were human lived their are bound to be one form of problem or another, so even at this time there were plenty of misunderstanding among communities which had already ruined peace and unity of communities.
West Africa then was divided into regions, which gave room to 1, The  Western region, this consist of some States that lays between the great and victorious countries like Senegal and Gambian rivers known also as Senegambia. 2, The central region, this were mainly the Middle Niger country as well as the forest land of Ivory Coast and Ghana. 3, The Eastern region, this includes the central Sudan, South Nigeria and the Niger Delta and the neighbouring countries.
I want us to understand that history has it that religion is as old as man and there for was practise by choice not even by right or race. What we need today to create a conducive feature is to define religion in its truth not the opposite of it as we see today by some persons. What we need today in the World is peace. There is every need for urgent peace in order to create the safe environment for our children.  For peace to reign, we must all play active roles as concerned parties and stakeholders as well as beneficiaries of the same communities. By so doing we must begin to look at all pending issues were we need to touch in order to bring man to rest in a safe home without fear for any attack. Muslims as a religion should play their part as well as Christians so that no man or group will be able to use to the name of any religion to fuel war or crises. We can see how religion has become VIOLENT instead of LOVE for one another. What is Boko Haram? this is one of many groups that has come up in recent times to cause peace to retire into exile. This groups have spread all over the World but majorly, the Islamic States (Muslims) are the religion that believed so much in violence and killing of offenders. According to them Allah forbids certain things which to them any one caught in the act is going to receive punishment  as charged. But do human judge for God? if this their God is a true God why would they derived joy in killing which in the process the name of Allah is profess as Holy. The Holy Bible never said killings is good as well as the Holy Qu'ran which also admits that killing is a sin. In Nigeria two major religions play big dominant roles as they have membership all over Nigeria. One thing that is always questionable is the wide nature of our Muslim Brotherhood whose joy is BLOOD shade and slaughtering of innocent Christians all over the World. Muslims dominated areas in the Northern part of Nigeria is one at the moment going through a lot of religious attacks from the Islamic terrorists who said they are fighting Holy war. Will man fight for God who has the power to do so at his convenient time? Christians preach peace and they all stand by peace, Pope John Paul ii was one man who travelled through the walls of Middle East for the sake of unity and peace, by doing so he has many times end up worshipping in Mosques for peace to reign. The Christians dominated AREAS are the must peaceful and advanced in the area of safety and freedom of worship. The Boko Haram who said Western education is BAD should not send their children to such schools if they so wish not to entirely bring war against another religion in the name of religion. How come the children they send to learn outside Nigeria, mostly in the Arab springs end up becoming TERRORIST or something else. If we consider the evil of the religion that allows violent, it will take us back in the days of the foundation of Islam in Arabia..year one of Muslim calendar which dates far back in 622 AD - 641 AD when the Muslim Brotherhood captured the then (Babylon) which was then the Christian capital of Egypt. Ugba ibn Nafi, occupied Ifrigiya (Tunisia) in 711 also the Muslim army under Tariq cross over into Spain through Gilbratar (the hill of Tariq) they conquer major cities all the through Spain and Portugal into France. This gave rise to the hope of a new down as Mulsim gain entrance through North Africa with capital at Cordoba in 756 down to 1031 AD. They invaded Ghana in the year 1054 AD, with some Fulani's conquering Hausa land and this was the origin of Muslim caliphate in 1804 - 1811 AD at Sokoto. From history to date Islam has been a religion of BLOOD which believed that they can do even if it means taking cities through shading of blood. Boko Haram must go back to their drawing board to ensure they have a reason for fighting, not this FAKE fat lies that holds no water.


If not for religion, what is driving the kind of violent extremism that we are witnessing today@Obama