Nigerian leaders must see leadership as service to the people!

In Nigeria where everyone no matter how highly placed lacks leadership skills and still exercise some level of poor leadership need to take the issue of leadership counselling very seriously. During the return of democracy in Nigeria in 1999, everyone who was on the same page with me felt the issues in Nigeria will be over, this was because looking at our past when military coups became order of the day will be put to rest. Today Nigeria is young in the game of democracy and no one is ready to accept the fact that Nigeria politicians are in the learning process even though their leadership style usually counts against them. Since return of democracy Nigeria has been considered in the scheme of international affairs and has played major roles in ensuring other small countries too benefits from democratic freedom and say no to authoritarian leadership of any form. Since 1960, no government in Nigerian has put a strategic plane that is expected to give the people what they desire every leader comes in with 4,5 or 7 points agenda but each time they never end up executing one. The last time Nigeria government embarked on heavy housing project to alleviate the housing problem of workers was in the days of Shagari’s regime and many of these houses are still lying in desert places with bushes all over the place with no one occupying them because government did not build them to the finishing level. We don’t need a messiah in Nigeria what we need in Nigeria is a true SERVANT of the people and even with this APC leadership I see none of such. The mantle of leadership is like poisonous venom that at every stink gets you pains drunk, when you become a leader if not careful the joy of the unexpected will flown your good intention for the country by setting your decisions against your people and the country at large. Retired Gen Muhammadu Buhari who every one believed he is a man of his words even before he became the president is gradually escaping from the reality to the things that do not have meanings to this country. For Gen Buhari to keep the entire country in the waiting for about four months with excuses that he wants to select the best out of the best that will make his ministerial list and in the end only to present the same names of people we were long singing is unimaginable.  Any government that does not hear the cry of the people is simply not the government of the people on till you realize what you are doing is not benefiting your people and you take a turn for good you are not helping matters. Buhari must know that the issue of ministers is every one’s priority attention even though he once said people should not be anxious we really need to be we have the right to know who ever is going to be the minister of this great country, but for Buhari to stay this long and reintroduce the same crop of men who have records of embezzlement, fraud, criminal and bad security report to us as ministers is worrisome, above all is the petition against some of them from their constituencies. Buhari who claimed to have knowledge of everybody in Nigeria could not distinguish men and women who have eaten fat on the tax payers’ money and still have the intention to work with them in his government if this is done, Nigeria will be seating on a timed bomb of corruption. 
