Any religion that strives on disunity is either a cult or a secrete society group in the guise of religion. Every Religion practised peace and love for one another and those where the cardinal pillars of Christ's teaching through out his stay on earth. Love is the entire foundation of any religion and for any one to use religion as a platform of war, protest, rioting, any form of crises is completely out of Jesus intention for the world. Some people who may be described as religious extremists has a lot of damage to religion were by religion is gladly used as an avenue to destroy lives, property and to cause unrest to many communities around the world using the name "Islam" or "Christianity" this evil must be rejected in the guise of any form irrespective of colour, tribe or sex. Those who do this like members of the ISIS and many of such as well as members of the Boko Haram who uses the name of their God to cause crazy crimes against human must be watch for to this extent man has lowered God's name to self-seeking lust of the world. The world today is sorrowful you see every where crime dominates the entire face of the earth starting from the Middle East to other parts of the world death have become a normal thing as every day death toll in countries like Syria is terribly better imagined, the rising of Egypt against the brotherhood left more than 200 people to their early graves wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Sudan the crises in South Africa  the current fights around the world has caused over 10 Million men, women and children to seek a new home outside their countries were by many of them die on their way never making it. This problem of religious extremism is one thing that has continue to poison the heart of many followers, if leaders of various religious bodies must play their roles as leaders and stakeholders the Church or Mosque will be a good place were every one will see killing as evil and distasteful to God. Religious leaders must strive to teach peace and love this is the basis which religion was build on, the Church for instance preach only some selected parts of the bible were miracles, healing and prosperity is all they do leaving out the wrath against them who are the leaders of the Church should in case the followers fail they (leaders) will be held responsible Ezekiel 34:2,5,8 any one whether by anointing or appointment misleads the Church will be accountable on the judgement day. Religious leaders have become self-seeking  and have turn worship centres to political arenas were only the rich are respected and cared for, the poor are usually neglected and do not benefit from church activities such as aids to support poor families in education and health, the Churches have set a standard of having the must expensive schools around the world like in Nigeria most of the expensive schools are owned by big time Churches control by their general overseers as VC's the thirst for wealth is the reason why Churches have become this selfish using tithes and offering monies to build them selves empires. It is time all religious leaders must seek God's face and his truth, Christ left the Church that was build on Faith roofed with Hope furnished with righteousness fenced with Unity the entire architectural plan was Love. No matter how long no matter how hard no matter how difficult things may be God has solutions to all of them but man must seek God to proof commitment and dedication to his will. Texts: Ezekiel 37:12, Jeremiah 29: 21,23. It is evil to see people go for pilgrimage only to go and die by some nasty and strange stampede that takes place in some centers all time, we must see this stampede as a mad wind of sorrow from a mighty fist that usually stare up the causes, this must not be viewed as God's will or design God's intention for human is joy not sorrow. Men and servants of Jesus Christ/Mohammed  should go back to the origin of religion on till this is done evil will never stop hunting the world nor will peace be made in homes. "GOD BE WITH YOU ALL"
