Independence must be celebrated because it is a right of every Nigerian to be part of the celebration and be celebrated @55! why do we see this day so unique? because we have the opportunity to sail the ship of this country by our selves without foreign interference except other wise necessary for #55 years now. Nigeria has became a country like every other and has been operating as every other country, my joy is that even though Nigeria is not were it should be we are not still were we use to be because no country is were it ever wants to be even with all its standard. This #55 YEARS must be a sign of maturity to every citizen and every one must see Nigeria now as his or her home were good or bad every one must benefit. "No temporary problems or passing challenges should stop us from honouring this day. Let us remind ourselves of the gifts God has given us. Our Creator has bequeathed to us Numbers – Nigeria is the ninth most populated country on the planet. We have in addition arable land; water; forests; oil and gas; coastline; and solid minerals" this is the second paragraph of president Buhari's speech to all Nigerians both home and abroad. I see this day special because Nigeria has at least achieved one major fit "UNITY" i quote president Buhari again in the independence speech this morning “Nonetheless, that we have remained together is an achievement we should all appreciate and try to consolidate" and truly, this is all we need : HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION!!
