The power of e-thugs is already a fast growing tool to destroy someone's reputation and also rubbish him/her so as to weaken them in the public eyes. The next level now is were e-thugs do all they can to tarnish the image of any opposing force this is viewed with a very sad and unfortunate moment to note the power of e-thugs trending in our computer generation were everyone has gone mad and crazy on the platform called social media. On social media, everybody has the right of speech and the most wonderful thing is, there is no censorship or editorial customs that sometimes may have control on idiotic or stupidities. This is taking politics the next level, were politicians now train vibrant idle youths to trigger attacks on others and fabricate malicious lies on the person who in the end is either true or lies. Politicians have moved from the old ways of thuggery when hardened youth are sponsored to physically mend stubborn political leaders or dogged opposing contestants to soft paddle or step down in their contest. The new trend in the e-thug is unimaginable were this youth or men of all timber and calibre who specialized in e-thuggery as a way of livelihood and survival. Now to look at it closely, this e-thug is doing more harm than good. If you were beaten in your house by a thug or else were and in the end only a few people new, probably your image remain intact except in the case of death eventually. Once your name goes on social media and people begin to share and comment, this process remain as weapon on peoples walls to pop back against you some day. Now that e-thuggery is more considered, it is good to let those in this business know that, no matter what they write the public rely on first hand information, that is to say that public now do not also believe what you say to destroy others to earn pay but must see for themselves the good works of our political leaders on their campaign promised to the people. E-thuggery is a shameful business and do not land you a good name apart from those whom you are writing for, no other responsible Organization or Association will take you for any serious transactions. And the worst part is, your job on contract is deadly when you can not deliver or lash someone who is considered a threat to your group. More so, e-thugs stand a chance to eat delicious meals when they write and post malicious lies as if it were true stories against opponents of their camps. E-thug is the latest trend in political showdown and a quick means to survive since most of this youth believe in quick money and cheap popularity of any sort. The youth must say no to e-thuggery to let those pay masters know that, we can say no all time.