Tradition is say to be a part of culture that is handed or pass from person to person or from one generation to another. Culture on its part is the arts, customs and habit that characterized a particular group of people or nation. The Tiv nation is one and still united in her cultural behavior and tradition, if this is still the united Tiv nation we must see reasons why the Tiv nation went wrong. Since a throne of such like the one of the paramount ruler Tor Tiv whose role is limited to traditions and norms of the people and his roles are to promote the Tiv traditions and culture, the Tiv nation must return to the true and one practice of swearing in the the most powerful stool in Tiv land there by reintroducing SWEM as the true and only means to perform sincerely while in that seat. I beg to be religious here, God is Almighty and there can never be any like him "NEVER" but the truth is, Jesus says, give to Ceazer what belongs to him and to God what belong to God. This is in simple understanding that, when you chose to serve as a King you are automatically going to serve the people who in turn are God's people. Like in the case of the Ark during the days of Israel. Swem as we all know is the highest law nature has always respect. Swem is a traditional and very powerful oath if sworn upon, you can never do outside the needful and as Tor Tiv you must always vomit undiluted truth and be ready to say yes is yes for truth and no is no for false hood. Why have Tiv nation substitute Swem for Bible? Because they want to be in the center and to always be economical with truth while settling issues. Swem hate bitter heart, hate on anyone, witchraft, lies, injustice, selfishness, envy and evil in the land and anything that do not project unity amongst people. Swearing Bible is not the true Tradition of the throne but because Tiv people want to bring bad luck and poverty to themselves, they have gone ahead to trade with God by swearing Bible instead of Swem. The truth is, if we say Tor Tiv should swear Bible and in been truth the palace do not wear a Holy or religious look what makes the difference? Or why don't the Pope come down from Rome to swear or anoint Tor Tiv? Bible is not the rightful to swear on as Tor Tiv, the  throne is always and at all time preserve by Swem and this remains the true and only law to bless and bring peace to the people of Benue State. Today the Tiv nations is no longer enjoying peace with their own selves not even to mention their neighboring brothers like the Fulani herds who after been with Tiv people peacefully for years have turn around  to kill and destroy them not minding the relationship that existed before. The Tiv nation must as a matter of truth go back to the drawing board to see how poasible they can rebuild a lasting peace and bring hope for the people. May God bless Tiv nation!
