I wonder some time what human beings wants and where they always want to be or how they become some times and desperate when they want to go to the top of the human chain. To be honest even if all politicians in Nigeria are not honest, most of them have become political prostitutes and will want to steer the affairs as leaders and it means some of them in real sense have a motive why they want to rule at all cost. Though every one wants to rule the world but every body forgets leadership is an anointing from God not by men. Atiku for some time have been going from tent to tent for the sake of wanting to be the president of Nigeria. Atiku's going from one political party to another  has become a source of worry to some people due to his thirst for wealth and his kangaroo to rule as Nigeria president Atiku has end up having membership of more than one political party. Atiku's desperate intention has made him a faceless politician and irregular in the political field, this means that Atiku is not to be trusted since he can not seat on one political chair for more than thirty minutes. Atiku is not to be under rated or undermined but his huge apatite for power has made him to move from party to party when ever he discovered the political Scrabble do not suit him or once there is any clear indications that Atiku is not going to be given flag bearer of the party become like a wounded beast and always end up landing himself into another party. Atiku as one of the founding fathers of PDP who have gone out of the party  and now coming back may not also end up in PDP come 2019 if he is not given flag bearer of PDP Atiku may end up moving to any political party not minding what people may say and how unpopular the party may be and small.  Atiku is a man with many faces and do not deserve to be entrusted with the highest seat in the land, Atiku believes in their personal gains and benefits and do not at any time see the wishes of the people as his personal problem and that is why his ambition to become the next president has a shrink tail. 
