The conflict between the States of Israel and Palestine can be traced back in the 20th century which has its roots in the early days of Jewish migration and the sectarian conflict in the mandatory Palestine between the Jews and Arabs. The conflict is considered to be the most interactive and longest existing human crisis were by the entire world is not in a hurry to take a final stand. It is on records that this two countries have for many years involved in day to day crisis and the killing and bombing of one another were the whole world will always intervened without a head way even though there is always a cause. The State of Israel has long seen Jerusalem as its capital and has always believed that Jerusalem is the hope of Israel were by the Palestine also always see Jerusalem as the city of hope and light. Both Israel and the Palestine upon intervention of United Nations and other Alie's has refused to put a pen down for a peace agreement, this issues are mostly pondered on religious differences, ethnic and cultural division, the main issues hampering the smooth resolution are boarders, mutual recognition, water rights and security etc. The recent declaration of Jerusalem by president Donald Trump of United States of America as the new capital of Israel and the intention to move US embassy from Tel Aviv to the new capital brought lots of protests amongst Allies of the Palestine and the entire Arab springs. The recent UN decision of December 21, 2017 in the United Nations General Assembly through votes which disagreed in strong term with the US decision on Jerusalem and there fore render the decision as non and void. Going by the UN resolutions against Jerusalem, US has continue to tell the world that its decision and recognition of Jerusalem as Israel capital is not negotiable and there is no going back on the Jerusalem decision US went ahead to express disappointment in many of its Allies who have went ahead to disrespect its decision. Trumps decision on Jerusalem to many was too sharp devoid of peace negotiation, the decision was coming after many years of fruitless negotiations by United Nations and other concerned international nations. To the Palestine and some of the Arab nations Trump's decision is evil and is targeted at hate on the Islamic nations. The whole world is already brewing and steaming with all sort of long and over due hate for one another were religion is some times used as a theatre for show casing anger through protests and senseless killings of the innocent people. This 12th hour is very crucial and the decision on Jerusalem may be difficult to reverse but the United Nations resolution on Jerusalem is a clear signal that there is a serious danger and pending problems amongst the United Nations which may end up tearing the united Vail that for long bound nations together. United States decision to go ahead with its earlier declaration of Jerusalem as Israel capital by Trump shading aside the United Nations General Assembly resolution may expose United States there by setting a new stage for fresh crisis amongst UN nations. The recent threat staring the world in the face is the North Korea love for missiles and the Syrian chemical piles, the whole world will remain silence and will go dark once the Trump decision is recognised over UN.
