Some questions are better asked than leave them hanging even though no exact answers may be given or even if solutions are not taken as it should. As a Nigerian i am seriously worried at the present security competence of our police and the army as far as their activities are not drumming what this security agencies seems to be. It is only in Nigeria that a whole group of girls or men or even children can are carried or stolen or kidnapped without any trace yet the police will tell you, we are on top of the situation, just like the case of Chibok girls which incidentally became the first as concerned mass movement of human trafficking or some who were kidnapped successfully by members of the dreaded Boko Haram in 2014. Since the kidnapped of Chibok girls i knew there will be another of such operations in Nigeria even if not immediately, our schools are highly insecure and most of this schools have locations away from towns and cities this is enough for our government to have known that the children who are sleeping in this low shade schools have no security guarantee to their lives. In any responsive government there is a saying that "A stitch in time saves nine" immediately after the successfully kidnapped of Chibok girls our government would have proactively mapped a new strategy and further close down all schools on boader areas and as well the schools that are out of towns and cities. This would have gone a long way to saving the lives of those students from federal government girls college Dapchi, Yobe State who were recently kidnapped by the same members of Boko Haram. As it is now, only a reasonable government will understand that the present situation is not a game play just as when the news of another kidnapped student came it was shocking to every one. It is high time our leaders have their children schooled in Nigeria and not just in Nigeria they must as well be kept in such cold and unkept enviromentb with the mosquitoes and all sort of reptiles and insects every were. It is because every political office holder used the tax payers money to their free will or else, there would have been a law that will expressly stipulate that as a political office holder who had no child in any of the school outside Nigeria must not do so during their time in office. If this is done and medical trips are cut down the best will egin to come out of Nigeria this is the only way our leaders will put our money to use since their children will also be part of this fast decaying structures and deteriorated system they will update every government school with best international practises but this will be done just because they have their children amongst the middle class and the poor. We must continue to pray for Nigeria as we all face a dark revolution from our enemies who will not rest at any point to get to were they want, just less than a month army said they have taken strong holds of Boko Haram and have also nailed the group, the group is sending massage to federal government that the army have not nailed them all they need is just the opportunity to detonate. Nigeria must improvised more ways to taking security challenges seriously with vigour and zeal and should always come up early on matters of public opinions were every one becomes security as well.
