The child is the offspring of every fruitful in every generation and is the only asset of the successful generation at all times. The child is always considered so young to have ample knowledge of the good, the bad and the ugly and this makes the child vulnerable, helpless and sometimes speechless to defend their rightful of place in every society given the consideration that children are the leaders of tomorrow. Children under the ages of 16 years are always at the receiving end in every global violence be it ethnic crisis or communal clashes, be it religious or political crisis the children are usually the worst hit in these crisis were the child under the ages of 16 years every blessed day receives social abuses of all kinds be it at home or schools. The child is believed to be the most valuable asset in any generation, it is only when children are born and are handed down proper care and training that the elderly ones can hand over the value of societal norms, history, culture, religious practises to be preserved to the next generation. Globally violence have taken the face of the earth were every part of the world is involved directly or indirectly in all forms of violence this ranges from tribal and cultural differences as well as ethnic and religious affiliations.
Global violence has caused more harm than good to many children especially the vulnerable ones who are directly involved during any crisis. During the WW1 and WW2 the entire estimated theatres of war stood up to over 150 were people were killed daily and their bodies exposed to the widens to feed on them, the children’s deaths could not be put on a direct records due to the wide spread of the fight and small number of the humanitarian social workers who were unable to be in every part of the battle field at the same time or may not have recorded all deaths due to more attention on those with serious wounds aiming at saving their lives. The current brewing global crisis is the greatest fear and threat to all children who can only be moved about by parents and love ones. The greatest thing any child needs is the social security were children are supposed to have full protection from parents and wards to ensure safety and well been of their children.
The global violence do not target just the adult  alone but as well targets both children, women animals and the entire environment becomes at risk of destroying homes and farms so that no one have shelter over their heads or have good sleep at any time of the day, farms on the other hand are destroyed to expose everyone to hunger this includes the children and adults. The effect of global violence can never be over emphasised as the destruction of hospitals and sacking of health workers by war exposed the child to greater risk of dying any time. The child who is vulnerable and helpless is easily lewd to becoming an instrument or a tool of mass destruct ions in any crisis or war to destroy and kill with all pleasure. The children are the feature, we must protect them with our last drop of blood.
