NIGERIA IS DOOMED: Back in the days of our political pioneers, there was a saying by the late JS Tarka that politics has no permenent enemies but permenent interest this is to say that all politicians try to build their political careers with assurance not minding what it takes or may happened in the end but what they want to get at all cost. Since the return of successful democracy in 1999 there have been high expectations on successful governance were by Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) was opportuned to become the first party to rule Nigeria without any opposition on till after sixteen years in office, this uniterrupted democracy to many was the biggest achievements any one could think of were the military always intervened in the middle of every attempt to build a solid democratic certain in Nigeria. It is very clear that after the sixteen years of PDP the entire Nigeria democracy was deteriorating to the extend of thugs becoming godfathers and threatening the entire society in every capacity and this made many Nigerians to take an alternative rout for safety this was the main reason PDP ass was kicked out of office. The coming on board the All Progrssive Congress (APC) as the peoples choice was to tell the world that nothing last for ever and if INEC is well organized true democracy will take the center stage in our society just then, i see the biggest doom waiting to explode in Nigeria is the regrouping of the Hoax who have been looking for every opportunity to sneak back into power not minding which platform. Nigeria is doomed because the politics in Nigeria has no respect for the rule of law were no one cares to challenge who rules them whether the leader is a thief, criminal minded or has a questionable characters and even when an individual dares to challange, the judicial processes becomes tool much and the case gets unnecasrily creamy and in the end its always in fovour of the person in power or the people in the coridors of power were the powerful politicians always have their chances of escaping the grip of law. Now that this people are regrouping in the name of i have been either cheated or oppressed or undermine the people will have the opportunity to again sellect from who has either performed creditebly or have never been in office but has leadership excellent qualities. The doom is cast and we must not fail to face reality at the gate of truth.
