The Honorable Speaker of the Benue State House of Assembly, Hon. Hyacinth Aondona Dajoh expressed worry over the welfare of the internally Displaced persons scattered across the state in various IDPS Camps. 

More worrisome for the Speaker was when he visited Benue State emergency management Agency (SEMA) headquarters and was conducted round the facility by the Acting Executive Secretary, Mr James Iorpuu and was shocked to see that no single grain was in the store. 

Answering questions from a cross section of Journalists, the Speaker said it is indeed sad to see that a Government Agency which is suppose to respond to the Emergency needs of the state currently has empty stores. 

The speaker gave the assurances of the state House of Assembly that they will immediately join hands with the state Governor, His Excellency, Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Iormem Alia to provide enough food for the Agency to be able to respond to the worsening humanitarian situations of Benue state. 

On when the IDPs will return to their ancestral homes, the Speaker said the Government of Fr. Alia is working round the clock putting security measures down to pave way for the smooth return of the IDPs within a very shortest possible time from now. 

In another development, the speaker visited Benue Internal Revenue Service (BIRS) Headquarters in Makurdi but his mission was cut short when he was greeted with the absence of the acting Chairman, Mr Emmanuel Agema. 

On the entourage of the speaker was Hon. Saater Tiseer, the majority leader, Hon cyril Ekong, Deputy majority leader and the deputy majority whip, Hon. Peter Ipusu 

Amb. Raphael Akume Ityav, 
CPS to the Speaker, 30th June 2023.
