Is this the end of Putin domination?
At the beginning of the war against Ukraine , the Russian military head by Putin posture as a strong military and claimed by Putin as the strongest in the world. They advanced at first and took many of the Ukrainian territory, and the Ukraine people stood up and defended themselves led by their fearless leader Zenlenky, a comedian who became a warrior for his people . 

Many around the world believed Putin, and as counter offensive began by the Ukrainian army , the bubble of Putin's strong military was laid bare to be weak, ineffective, and most of their weapons obsolete. He changed many of the Army generals and still couldn't advanced to the Ukrainian territory rather the Ukrainian advanced and took back their territories from the Russians and showed strength to go more deeper and that was when Putin contracted the Wagner Group. A notorious private military contractor headed by a former convict named Yevgeny Prigozhin, a billionaire who made money from his military outfits helped by Putin and who was called ' Putin's Chef' and other businesses across Africa . Putin arguably made him a billionaire. 

Prigozhin entered the war and started winning territories back for Russia with his men but got angry that the Russian Army leaders were not informing Putin the true state of things at the war front and asked them to resign so that he would take over or he would topple them . They allegedly replied by k!lling hundreds of Prigozhin men, and he vowed to take the war to them in Russia. 

His demand is either Putin sack these generals and put him in charge or he would do it himself . The problem is , if Putin does that, he will become stronger than Putin and may remove Putin someday . So Putin has to declare him wanted and accused him and his men of insurrection , betrayal and backst@bbing. 

This may be the beginning of the end for Putin because you can't fight two wars at the same time ( Ukraine and Wagner Group) . Prigozhin and his men has captured two Russian Cities - Rostov -on - Don and Voronezh and warned his troops will be heading to Moscow for the mother of all battle . While Ukraine is plotting to take advantage of the weakness and lapses and make 'the enemy of my enemy my friend'.

I predict that the Russian Army will defeat Prigozhin's Army, but Putin will have to leave the scene. Prigozhin has nowhere to go as he is wanted by the USA and the West, so he would fight to the end . 

Putin is now hunted by the monster he created and this is indeed the beginning of the end for him. 👇

