This picture of a Nurse at an unknown Hospital caught in a hot kiss with a Patient on admission went viral and got many Nigerians talking.

One would ordinarily say, why is such a thing necessary when the Health Worker Who is supposed to play a self protective role to him or herself is doing such a thing, knowing fully well that the Patient's position as a sick person can be worrisome.

The photo could not be actually confirmed or the Hospital where it was taken however, for this news to be true or even if this is not true, bringing such a news to the public is disturbing and have a lot more than what many may thinks. 

The position of Nurses in the Hospital certain to their Patients treatment is very clear and their roles. This is not erasing the facts that in every family, Group, Society etc there exist some bad eggs. 

This news is yet to be confirmed and yet to be true but why would any right thinking Nurse in her highly respected position as a Care Giver descend so low to play such a script. Nursing is a Professional Course that is well nutured and barked from the time of training both in school and in their work places. 

This news is saddened and bad messager to the outside walls of the Hospital against Nurses and therefore, aimed at destroying the good image of the Nursing Profession.

I am therefore, calling on the National Association of Nigeria Nursing and Midwives (NANNM) to do a thorough investigation beginning from the source of this news and get to the bottom of this in order to protect its members from such a national shame and the bad name Nurses might pose now and in the future. 
