In a bid to eradicate the incessant mounting of illegal checkpoints across the state, the Ag.Chairman Mr.Emmanuel Agema has maintained his stand on zero tolerance to illegal checkpoints and it's operators. He is committed to adapting legal measures which include Compliance enforcement and regulatory actions.

To ensure his resolve, the Acting Chairman recently set up a Tasks force Team made up of Revenue agents and security personnels. The Task force Team were saddled with the responsibility of monitoring tax operation and ensuring Compliance among individuals, businesses, and organisations by identifying, tracing and confiscating proceeds of tax fraud and invasion. 

So far, the BIRS Tasks Team has made some arrests of illegal checkpoints operators at Otukpa,(8 people) Howe,(5 people)and Northbank(1 person) making a total of 14 people. Some of the culprits have been imprisoned, others have been arraigned for Court hearing. The Team also dismantled illegal checkpoints at Amaafu and Gungul. 

It is worthy of note that, the activities of these felonious suspects has been reprehensible to the unsuspecting and vulnerable public. Most of the motorist suffer extortion from these operators thus, leading to multiple taxation of Commuters and motorists.

Last week, while, the Chairman visited the Vehicle Inspection Workshop, he expressed his unwavering commitment towards revenue generation and his readiness to work with the V.I.O and other security organisation to ensure smooth tax administration and compliance.

Meanwhile, The Tasks Force has been charged with not only ensuring compliance but sensitization of communities, market committees on the differences between fake and Original receipts so that perpetrators can be caught to face the law.

Jacintha Benard
Media Assistant to the BIRS Chairman.
