By Isaac Uzaan 

English philosopher, James Allen wrote: "As a man thinks, so he is, as he continues to think, so he remains." Also there is this popular saying that, "Life consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that is forever flowing through one's head."

Going by the two assertions above, it would not be out of place to submit that the PDP party in Benue State is what it thinks about all day long.

We did not know before now that the concept of 'Ghost works' could be used to inflate wage bill, but the Publicity Secretary of PDP in Benue State, Bemgba Iortyom has clearly made it known to Benue people that Ghost workers can be used to inflate wage bill.

It has dawned on us after this fantastic revelation that former Governor Ortom truly used Ghost workers and inflated the wage bill of Benue State. This is why Bemgba Iortyom is well equipped with the knowledge that the state wage bill can be inflated through the syndrome of Ghost workers' ?

It has been made clear through Ortom's public speeches and individual articles that the former Governor was neck-deep into the morass and peat bog of Ghost workers. Check out Ortom's yells about Ghost workers in the screenshot below.

Also, a cull from " Facts About Benue Wage Bill", an article written by former Senatorial Candidate of SDP for Benue Northeast, Martin Iorsamber reveals thus:

"The issue of Benue wage bill has been lingering for the last eight years. This matter which became so glaring during the time of Governor Samuel Ortom has caused so much pains. At the first hearing of it, the people of Benue were shocked when Governor Ortom announced that the state had a wage bill of over N7bn. His predecessor, Sen. Gabriel Suswam quickly came out to deny that the last wage bill he paid was N2.7bn and there was no way the bill could rise astronomically. Governor Ortom then set up an ad hoc committee headed by Dr. Adyorough. The Adyorough committee screened Benue workers and discovered a lot of Ghost workers. It was reported that while in Otukpo for the Benue South Senatorial District screening exercise, a particular local government had over 200 ghost workers! Those ghost workers were alleged to belong to a prominent politician. Rumours had it that Dr. Adyorough became visibly angry and vowed to expose such evil. While Adyorough was rounding off the work and preparing to submit the report, he was trailed to his house and assassinated in the presence of his wife! What cruelty! That report never saw the light of the day. Adyorough's murder, let me say, is still under investigation while the wage bill is skyrocketing."

To add up to the above, Ortom cancelled all employment made by Sen. Suswam at College of Education, Katsina -Ala, yet, it seems their names were retained on the college payroll and salaries were being paid on their heads. This must be true because the total number of Ghost workers discovered at the college now is slightly above the total number of employment made during Suswam's administration.

At the end, it appears Ortom inflated the wage bill, announced a different and high figure which prompted Sen. Suswam to come out and deny. 

The previous administration talked so.much about ghost workers. Why is it that they do not want another administration to talk about the same 'challenge' they had .Why is it different with Ortom? Would he not have waited for Governor Alia to announce a high figure before he comes to deny it? 

It's obvious! Bemgba Iortyom has put this discrete tact of writing articles to convince the public and water down the hash effect of reproach, shame and dishonour Benue PDP is getting from the people.

Opposition is not by force, therefore, Bemgba Iortyom should stop disturbing the Benue public with silly writings in his weak attempt to downplay the efficacy of the present administration. He should better study law and the constitution to understand which section says what, how and why. 

Monday, July 24, 2023
