The people of Ukum where this morning thrown into confusion as men of the underworld paid another unscheduled visit. Akpuuna Community is counting many losses with uncontrollable tears and pains following today's early morning attack on the helpless people of  Mbaterem in Ukum Local Govt Area which saw not less than twenty persons killed by unknown gunmen yet to be identified. 

Even though, the number of those killed could not be accertain with their names at the time of filling this report, many families where already traumatized by the shocking incidence and could not be reached for comments. 

The sad news was indeed one of the worst in recent times and the first of its kind under the arms of the new Government led by Rev. Father Hyacinth Iormem Alia.

Sadly, Benue have been in the news recently following the conflict between Mbasombo and Mbaivur and that of Oju and Otukpo Communities where both crisis saw many houses burnt down with properties worth millions of Naira destroyed on each side. 

Just as Benue State Government took a bold step through the Speaker, Benue State House of Assembly to intervene, a Committee was set and given terms of reference to mediate between the Warren Communities and to ensure lasting peaces returns to the affected Communities, the Committee which is yet to submit it's  report, the Governor is again confronted with this senseless killings in Ukum Local Govt.

Again, one will be left with many questions begging for answers as though, this attackers who are not known yet may either come back or the attacked may seek to know those behind this bastard act and follow up with a revenge which to some extent, so many innocent souls may be exposed to more danger than expected.

Rev. Father Hyacinth Iormem Alia is a man of God and a prayerful Priest so therefore, it will be incumbent on him as the Governor to handle this matter in the most urgent way by stepping up security in Ukum and the affected Community in order to avoid a repeat of such attack should in case, the attackers plan to stage a come back. 

The Governor should do an immediate follow up by holding an emergency meeting with all the Traditional Rulers, Stakeholders, Religious Leaders and Political Actors in Sankera Axis to brainstorm on the way forward and find solutions on how to tackle this menace and sort an end to this constant killings in the Axis of Sankera. 

Gov. Alia may work on the Ortom Amnesty Programme but in a more honest and sincere way. The Amnesty Programme was a temporary solution to help the youths gain new life and train them in various skills and help set them small businesses to make them focus never to run back into the bush however, the Programme was hijacked and was not fully funded and poorly managed by few individuals around the seat of power at the time. 

Ukum is at the moment in the bad mood and confused state, the families of those who where killed today where emotionally down. Efforts was on the way to deposit all the bodies in a nearby mortuary for further directive and necessary action by the Government of Benue State. Efforts to get comments from the Local Govt, authority, Police and few Stakeholders did not yield fruitful results. 
