Following the snoop on a 'garage' of vehicles illegally acquired at the expense of taxpayers and diverted by former Governor Ortom and officials of his government by members of the Assets Recovery Committee, the PDP and Ortom's media minions have gone into a media overdrive.

They have been issuing streams of statements, mostly contradictory, in a bid to muddy the waters and curry undue public sympathy.

But what Ortom and his media men must know is that Governor Alia and his government cannot be stampeded. It remains focused and determined to use every lawful means in recovering all stolen assets that belong to the state.

Benue people who have been victims of the many years of the PDP maladministration are solidly behind the government and its mission to recover all stolen assets. 

The PDP in the state must know that there is a new sheriff in town who is committed to clearing the Augean stables and their crying wolf won't help it at all.

Governor Alia entered into a covenant with Benue people to deliver good governance and pull the state back from the precipice that he is committed to doing to the latter 

What is good governance? Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Alia is focused. He knows where he is headed. Everything has a foundation and so is good governance. If Alia succeeds only in entrenching discipline, bringing sanity to the management of state resources; enthrones prudent management of resources; accountability, transparency, equity and inclusiveness, then other things will certainly fall in place.

The PDP, its publicity secretary, and Ortom's media minions must rid themselves of their delusions of grandeur. Thinking that a media frenzy will twist the narrative and flip the issues in their favour is the height of self-delusion.

The saddest aspect of this all is the poverty of the mind the past government entrenched in our youth.

Most of the youth penning down commentaries to support the greatest heist in the history of the state are graduates who are still riding motorcycles without jobs. These same people did hatchet jobs of consistently defending ineptitude and gross maladministration; they sugar-coated and consistently window-dressed incompetence and looting of our common patrimony for 8 years, yet were not worth to be rewarded with any of the "looted" cars.

Moreover, is it not the height of foolishness and utter idiocy that a supposed educated or polished gentleman would ride on a motorcycle under the scorching sun to a roadside mango shed to sit, use his android phone to defend someone that has impoverished families by primitively accumulating over a hundred cars including those of the state? 

What those who are crowning themselves "witches" should know is that the Assets Recovery Committee is on course and no amount of media facts-twisting and lie-peddling will stop them from carrying out their mandate based on their terms of reference. 

Alia led government is focused and its sights are set on delivering good governance to the masses of the people.

Sir Tersoo Kula 
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Benue State.
