By Isaac Uzaan 

I’m not so privy with what is entailed of politics, but observation has taught me that conspiracy, trick, intrigue, propaganda, and you name it, are just some of the basic spices that enhance the flavor of the game. 

It is not inexcusable in politics to serve your opponent with offensive policies and distasteful ideas to crash their tenure and turn a group of people against them.

Although done strictly under disguise, this trick is the most fanciful of all others. Its benefits are far-fetched, especially in a society where politics is done for reasons other than the good of the people.

In a bigoted political environment like Nigeria, political gladiators exhibit craftiness by feigning consistency and trustworthiness to get to their desired positions. Once they find themselves in the ring, they start a gradual process of infesting the hitherto stable system with ineffective concepts that would render it inconsequential.

There is also a category of voodooists who either swallow or wear amulets superstitiously believed to embody magical powers which could ease their chances of being in the ring and getting what they want.  
The most dangerous category is the media mad dogs. This group comprises professional journalists, media practitioners, quacks, and android carriers, most of whom write only the abstract and the absurd. They peddle rumours, spread hatred, carry propaganda, and deepen divisiveness among political parties and among politicians. 

Here in Benue State , we have noticed a conspiracy by powerful and sinister group of persons who do not want Governor Hyacinth Alia to succeed. They are seriously frustrating the efforts of the Governor in all corners. 

Prominent among these groups of conspirators is the Benue PDP which wobbled down the street of governance for eight years and crashed terribly in the deep pit of non-performance. 

Fortunately, Fr. Hyacinth Alia came in to rescue a multi fractured Benue left to die by the PDP. 

"For the records, I came in, opened all the books and there was nothing in the books financially. I started from ground zero, and so it was. There was no money. And as I'm speaking to you, I don't even have a government car". Governor Hyacinth Alia lamented at the recent APC Stakeholders Meeting in Makurdi.

There has been a lot of looting in the Government House and in the ministries. 90% of the state government establishment and infrastructure is in shambles. These are facts that can be verified.

Irrespective of all these, Governor Hyacinth Alia has so far made far reaching decisions which can impact positively on the citizenry:

1. He has started pumping life into the civil service system with regular and instant payment of salaries and pensions, even as he inherited as empty treasury. 

2. Governor Alia swiftly reduced the ghost population that heavily burdened the Benue Civil Service and saved 1.2 billion naira for the state.

3. He put a stop on multiple levies and illegal taxations which was having a negative impact on state economy.

4. Approved renovation and remodeling of the Benue State House of Assembly Complex.

5. The Governor also procured and distributed one hundred trucks of 50kg inorganic fertilizers to farmers in all the 23 Local Government Areas of the state.

6. He flagged off distribution of food and logistics materials to IDPs in Benue State.

7. Announced improved monthly allowances for Youth Corps Members serving in the state, amongst many other positive things he has so far put in place.

What the APC administration has achieved in few days is what the other party could not achieve in eight years.Yet, all the PDP media could do is to pour out a deluge of snide remarks and vituperation on Governor Hyacinth Alia.

Although envisaged as a platform for issues-based presentation and constructive appraisal of policies and ideologies, the Benue PDP has turned its media into a carrier of derogation and inflammatory speeches.

Paucity of ideas has forced them to acerbate trends that undercut the ideal aim of a democratic media. 

While we acknowledged the fact that PDP is sponsoring media attack on the APC government in the state, we advise them to serve us with substantial contents capable of engaging us into a serious democratic discourse. 

Would-be jurists and media activists of the umbrella party should stop being illogical and petty with their press releases. 

They should rather, provide Benue citizens with needed information that would help them make thoughtful decisions about the present leadership.
