Wednesday, 2nd August, 2023

Another feeble attempt has been made by hirelings of the outgone Samuel Ortom administration, just to discredit Governor Hyacinth Alia. 

This time, they have resorted to spreading lies that Governor Hyacinth Alia, did not forward names of commissioner nominees to the State Assembly, as it was disclosed by the Speaker, Hon Aondona Dajoh. 

The truth remains that, there is no way those overtly tainted by corruption won't fight back. And it is a fact that when corruption fights back, it does so vigorously. This is just one of those attempts to fight back. 

The former Governor Samuel Ortom's PDP is full of loose-talking hicks, who are known for propaganda and for peddling of lies. 

They think the Benue people are gullible and as such, will believe any unsubstantiated allegation that they float around with the pathetic aim of seeking cheap attention and relevance as a political party.

What proof has the PDP that names of Commissioners were not submitted to the Benue House of Assembly before or within 60 days from the date of proclamation of the Assembly?

Recall that the House was on recess and was only called back for an emergency sitting for the purpose of receiving and attending to the list submitted to them.

Perhaps the PDP needs some elementary tutorials governance. We are practicing the Presidential System of government. Governor Alia (Executive) sent the list, and it was not in his powers to compel the Assembly (Legislature) to start work on the list immediately. 

Yet, a political party, whose fortunes have since slide down the slippery slopes, want to deceive the good people of the state to believe and reason their way. 

These PDP lackeys lack the moral high ground to speak for Benue people. They lack such a locus and should not act as impostors. They were roundly rejected and cast out like the biblical swine.

But come to think of it, do Ortom boys know what is called "the path of honour"?

Meanwhile, by consistently alleging corruption, the Ortom sponsored blabbermouths cannot be blamed. They are so used to corruption; they are so given to it to the point that it has become part of them. This has obviously made them overly suspect of everyone.

Furthermore, they are so used to the old order that they are finding it very difficult to understand the refined approach to governance brought by the Reverend gentleman, Hyacinth Alia.

Ortom boys' thinking that the old order they practised throughout the eight years of their stay in the Government House, which was firmly hinged on the retrograde principle of "anything goes" be maintained is a truly sad narrative.

Alia had a pact with the Benue people. The people yearned for a departure from the endless heist deviously perpetrated by those with hearts at their backs, and that is exactly what Alia has come to do.

Those wearing "crowns" of corruption shall continue to cry, gnash their teeth but Alia shall press it harder so that Benue will smile again.

With Alia, a new Benue is possible. He has started the journey and Benue people are clapping everyday. Civil servants are smiling. Medical Doctors are dancing. NYSC members who had completed and submitted forms for redeployment are massively reconsidering their decision. Farmers are in a joyous mood and many others. We must restore the lost glory of the state. We shall have the Benue of our dreams.

Sir Tersoo Kula
Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Benue State.
