The youths of Jechira extraction under the auspices of Jechira Youth Development Association Makurdi branch today 6th August, 2023 held a parallel Congress Meetings. One of the meeting which was held at Logo 2 in Hon. Terngu Pever compound who happens to be the Makurdi Ipusu Youth Leader was aimed at looking into the lingering Leadership crisis that has engulfed the Association and to sort means for amicable resolution meanwhile, another meeting of the same Association was held the same time at Pont 7, Ininkpi street High Level, Makurdi under the Leadership of the Acting President Mr. Augustine Mchihi.

Hon. Terngu Pever who is the Chairperson of all the Youth Leaders under the umbrella body known as Ipusu conveyed the meeting on the directive of Ter Ipusu Makurdi with the intention to intervene and resolve the Leadership crisis that has already produced two Presidents of the Association. 

The substantive President of the Association Mr. Jeremiah Iortim who was said to have been suspended without due process and without acceptance from the other faction held their Congress in Logo 2 and Mr. Augustine Mchihi who was nominated to Act as the President upon Jeremiah's suspension by another faction held their meeting as well. The two factions who where both scheduled for a crucial meeting to discuss and chat the way forward on how to resolve the crisis fail to meet on a round table and therefore, the aim to resolve the lingering Leadership was not successful.

The need to bring the crisis rocking the Association to a round table for dialogue is urgent and without delay due to the facts that the Governor of Benue State Rev. Father Hyacinth Iormem Alia also hails from the same constituency and the benefits the Association would have benefited at the moment or would be benefitting is already washing out while every day, the chances of reunion fades. 

No matter the extent of war or hatred, no matter the windstorm and thunderstorms calm must come. It is important to bring to the notice of both parties that as brothers and sisters, there is no need to engage into any form of crisis or division especially now that food has been served on the table. It is on this note that the Stakeholders of the Association and relevant bodies must wake up and do all they can to arrest this ugly situation or wade in, to end this crisis which is about to destroy the Association and may be benefitting only a few members.

All the members of the Association must look beyond the gains of today but the need to reposition the Association to a greater height. The Association has a bigger chances of getting more opportunities if the entire house exist as one and under one Leader and without any form of crisis.

In an attempt by the Leaders of Ipusu Youth Makurdi, that of Kwande and Jemgbagh to intervene and collapse the two warren factiona as one may have failed already, but there is more to consider while fighting your brother or sister than the thirty way to fight a stranger or your enemies.

 Since the Congress was not able to meet as expected and both sides went ahead to hold parallel Congresses, the move to address or resolve the Leadership crisis as expected may have been defeated. There is more to this crisis than meet the eyes and going forward, any move or suggestions by any member that will bring peace and unity to the Association should be highly appreciated and welcome by all parties in order to give peace a chance.

There is no better time to resolve this differencs than now because no war ends in the battlefield, after all the casualties, insults and threats, every party must consider a sit on the round table to end the differencs and misunderstanding amongst members and embrace dialogue as the best way for conflict resolution this way, the Association may gain more and benefits will be assured to all members.

 "A word is enough for the wise" 

Comr. Bem Orshi (YASC)

Writes from Makurdi 


Anonymous said…
Yes all warring partiies must endeavor to bring their differences to the table.