The palliative funds for Kaduna State will be utilized in 3 Phases:

1. The 1st Phase (Short Term): Distribution of food items to households (1,050,000 individuals equivalent to about 210,000 Households)

2. The 2nd Phase (Medium Term) will take care of Transportation and assistance to Small Holder Farmers and MSMEs

3. The 3rd Phase (Long Term) will be devoted to the Resuscitation of the Locomotive Train from Zaria to Kaduna, and Sabon Tasha to Kafanchan, all in a bid to ease transportation for citizens.


● All stakeholders are on board, including but not limited to Govt Officials, representatives of trade unions, faith-based organizations, persons with disabilities, market and transport unions, and the private sector

● The families headed by People with Disabilities, Widows, and the Elderly will be considered first. Other Poor and Vulnerable Households, Orphanages and Internally Displaced Persons Camps (where applicable) will also be given special attention.

● A Committee responsible for planning and distribution of palliatives at the LGA level, comprising of LGA staff, organized labour, representatives of the private sector, faith based, youth and women organizations would be constituted.

● A Monitoring Committee would also be constituted for each LGA to guarantee transparency in the conduct of the exercise and to ensure that the intended beneficiaries are reached.

● The full weight of the law will be visited on anyone who attempts to divert the palliatives meant for the people or tries to disrupt the exercise.

● Citizens are called upon to give maximum support and cooperation to the Implementation Committee to ensure a seamless exercise

Source: Government of Kaduna

26th August, 2023
