7th August, 2023.

Honourable Speaker Sir.

Compliments of the day sir. I hope my letter meets you in good health and all-round wellness. Permit me to once again congratulate you on your well deserved elevation to the number 3 seat in Benue State.

Mr. Speaker, recall that on Thursday, July 27 2023, you acknowledged receipt of list of commissioner nominees forwarded to the Benue State House of Assembly by the Executive Governor of Benue State, Revd. Fr. Hyacinth Alia for screening and confirmation, an action which was in line with section 192(6)(a) of the 1999 Nigerian Constitution (as amended).

Recall also sir, that while you declined to disclose the names of the nominees as it is supposed to be done, the House was adjourned to 23rd of August 2023, stating that, the names of the nominees would be announced on a later date. 

On Saturday, 5th August 2023, the Governor also confirmed before the press, that he has submitted list of commissioners to the assembly, stating that the "Assembly retains the constitutional right to carryout the screening of the nominees for commissioners as at when they deem fit." The Governor added that, "based on the information given to him, once the Assembly resumes activities from recess, the screening exercise would be done."

Mr. Speaker, by implication, the Governor accused the State Assembly under your abled leadership of delaying the screening and confirmation of his Executive Council.

Mr. Speaker sir, I don't want to believe that, you are not aware of the public outcry the decision of the 10th Benue Assembly regarding the list of commissioner nominees has attracted.

If it is true that, the Assembly intends to screen the commissioner nominees only when it is back from recess on August 23 2023, then I will not be wrong saying, the assembly has set Benue State on her kneels. 

Benue remains if not the only state, then among the few states that has not constituted her Executive Council. With this ugly development, nothing is happening sir.

For how long should Benue people wait see members of the Executive Council who would  join hands with the Governor to hit the ground  running? Is screening of commissioner nominees not worth a matter of urgent importance for the assembly to cut short her recess and do the needful to enable the Governor have a formidable team that would drive the state to a more enviable height? 

Mr. Speaker sir, if the Nigerian Senate could cut short her recess to screen Ministerial nominees for the President, I think you would make Benue proud by calling the Honourable members back to screen the commissioner nominees, there is there anything the Governor ought to do for the House to cut short her recess that he hasn't done.

Mr. Speaker sir, there is no doubt that in the present political dispensation, you are one of the most respected, accessible and celebrated leaders who is loved by all irrespective of age bracket, political or religious affiliation. Your approach to issues is exceptional. 

I consider the list of commissioner nominees before your table as another integrity test, and I am confident that as usual, you will never fail Benue people, most especially, we the lovers of your elevation. 

Remain blessed sir. 

Yours Faithfully,
Board-Member Orturan Zaki Felix 
Concerned Citizen of Benue State From Logo LGA.
