Russia will support any country that wants to defend its national interests against the West - Vladmir Putin. 
IN a cable message to the participants of the Army 2023 forum, Russian president, Vladmir Putin said that Moscow is open to equal defense cooperation with all nations that seek to protect their interests. 

His exact words: “Russia is open to deepening equal technological partnership and defense cooperation with other countries, i.e with all those who seek to protect their national interests and independent development path, and believe it is vital to make joint efforts to building a system of equality and indivisible security that would reliably protect every country,” reported Tass. 

He stressed that Russia is determined to actively work on existing cooperative ties and also to create new relations based on its many years of successful experience in mutually beneficial partnerships 

So, basically, what Vlad is saying is, if there are countries out there that feel their national interests are threatened and that they’re being cheated or have been cheated for ages with very bad deals, that Russia isn’t just ready to enter into defense cooperation/partnerships with you to defend your nations militarily, if need be, but that Russia is also more than able and available to do business with you as equal partners in a way you don’t feel cheated or given the short end of the stick always, but in a way that you stand to benefit greatly - for nation and citizens. This was a clear reference to colonial Europe’s crumbling relationship with African countries and those concerned got the message clearly. 

This goes further to explain the ease with which Russian partnership/cooperation was secured in defense of Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, and now Niger. Makes sense why Niger isn’t moved by threats. Can’t wait to do a video on the Unipolar/Multipolar dichotomy, so Africans can appreciate these historic events now unfolding before our eyes.
