This is to inform all candidates of the 2022/2023 merged session and the general public that due to delay in approval of admissions by JAMB, the University has indefinitely postponed its Matriculation Ceremony of the set earlier scheduled for 11/08/23. 

Candidates are advised to check their admission status on the JAMB and University portals to accept their admissions for further necessary actions. 

Candidates whose admissions have been approved by JAMB on CAPS are given three days from the date of this publication to accept their admissions and proceed with registration, immediately.
Candidates who fail to do so shall risk deletion of their admissions for replacement by the University. 

Candidates are to expeditiously complete their registration processes within one week as a new date for Matriculation shall be announced soon. 

Candidates are to note that Matriculation marks the end of admission and registration in the University in line with provisions of the University laws. Any candidate that fails to comply with the registration timeliness does so at his or her own risk and shall not be entertained afterMatriculation.

In a bid to fast track the remaining admission cases, the University has harvested and populated her portal with names of all candidates who have defaulted in one way or the other thereby hindering futher processing of their admissions. This category of candidates are to check www.bsum.edu.ng under Latest News (CALL NOTICE) to see their status and comply with the actionable obligations thereto requested.

Thank you. 

Aondover Zwawua 
Deputy Registrar/Academic Officer 
for: Registrar
