The Tiv Youth Council Worldwide has read a lame press release addressed to the Tor Tiv and circulated on Facebook by a Pseudo group going by the name Zone - A peoples Assembly ( ZAPA) purporting to be fighting for the interest of the Tiv nation. 

A statement by the president of the Tiv Youth group, Hon. Mike Msuaan MON, FIMC, CMC avers that the press release that was not signed by any member only buttresses the suspicion that ZAPA is aimed at causing disaffection between the people of Benue North East zone and create acrimony between the people of the zone and the SGF on one hand and other zones in the state. 

According to Hon. Msuaan, ZAPA does not speak for the enlightened and politically sophisticated people of Zone- A. Sen. George Akume has been the target of blackmail, and provocative propaganda of this group since it's formation. Some time in 2021, these group of miscreants, authored a negative press release catapulted at demeaning the Sen. Akume, then a Minster of Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs. 

The press release and wild allegations hurled at the SGF are figments of the imagination of ZAPA and their sponsors. Their intention as usual is to blackmail the SGF and distract him from his responsibility as the chief scribe of the nation. 

The president of the Tiv Youth Council Worldwide warned that, the organization will not fold it's arms and watch mischief makers foment trouble and cause division amongst prominent Tiv sons and blocks in the state. 

ZAPA, should be reminded that at the time Sen. Suswam, from Zone A, was governor, Michael Aondoakaa was Minister of Justice. At the same time, Dr. Paul Orhii was NAFDAC boss with Mrs Mzamber Farida as EFCC Chairman, all from same zone. 

It is sheer mischief for ZAPA to claim to be fighting for equity and begin to complain of the appointment of the Chief medical Director of the Federal medical center which was enjoyed by Dr. Inunduh from the Zone A. when prof. Kortor from Zone B, has been appointed by President Tinubu. In one breath, ZAPA fights for the zone, in another the organization begins to fight for the Lobi for the position of CMD, in their desperation to denigrate the SGF. 

Hon. Mike Msuaan, pleaded with the SGF to discountenance the press release, stating that such blackmail against him cannot come from the good people of Zone A. 

ZAPA is a Faceless, microscopic and narrow minded non existent group of people who have coined the name to give their mischief and blackmail a colouration. The group does not represent the aspirations of the people of the zone, neither do they have the mandate of the people to issue such a press destructive release. 

Msuaan warned that, Sen George Akume, the SGF is the highest political office holder in Benue and the North Central Zone and as such will not allow any misguided group to blackmail him. He said the Tiv Youth Council Worldwide will continue to support prominent sons of the land appointed into positions of Authority. 

Since the group has addressed their toxic letter to the Tiv traditional Council, We wish to call on the Tor Tiv , HRM Prof. Iorzua Ayatse to identify and caution these miscreants seeking to fan the embers of disunity in Tiv nation. This group of renegades should be banned to nip their destructive tendencies in the bud. At a time a Tiv man is SGF, what we need is to build a synergy that will attract development to state and not this monstrous machination by ZAPA. 

Hon. Mike Msuaan, MON. FIMC .CMC 

Tiv Youth Council Worldwide
