By your words, verbose and fluid 
As water gushing from a tap flowed your promises
To the poor, the afflicted and the destitute
You raised a brass snake - 100 days

You exhorted the IDPs, the workers, the farmers 
All to look up to it and receive instant healing 
From hunger, affliction, destitution

They believed you, for you came as an angel 

But, alas! your 100 days have become as baal
Lifeless, powerless, with feet of clay
And the people have lost faith in you,
They have left your side
Leaving you lonely and deserted.

Even in the house of God 
Where you once wielded sacramental powers 
You are now a stranger who sits alone 
When on a visit, surrounded only by your gunmen.

Where are the "Yes Fada" chanters,
Who followed you for the promises you made 
To turn their conditions to those in heaven?

You are to them now worse than the politician
For in you they see a fallen angel
And a fallen angel is worse than a fallen man
