I am still shock and speechless since the story of a well trained Medical Director started moving round the cyberspace. This man is said to be the owner of Murna Clinic and Maternity in Jos, Plateau State. He is said to have done surgery (appendicitis, which is a minor surgery) on one of his patients Mrs. Kayinde Busari in 2017 and the surgery lasted for about 7Hours in the theatre. Just imagine such a human demon in the line of Medical Professionals. 

Dr. Noah Kekere is said to be a well known Medical Director in Jos whose Clinic is visited by many and has a good number of patients and a wider coverage of consultancy which includes young and old. As a Medical Director, his role is to make sure his patients are safe, survived if necessary and ensure to do his best to keep his Profession intact and respect for his job. 

This news of Organ Harvesting by Dr. Noah Kekere is a sad one for the entire Medical Profession and a dangerous shadow, cast over the core area in Medical line which everyone considers to be the last result of a common man. If this case of Dr. Noah Kekere happens to be true, there is every urgent need for the entire Medical Professionals to seat up and make more investigations to know if people like Kekere does not exist alone. It is obvious, many of such may still be out there. 

This is calling on the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria and Nigeria Medical Association to step up on surveillance over most of this isolated private Clinics and Hospitals across the country who operates without close supervision for their members in order to ensure the proper thing is done and at the right time. 

Organ Harvesting without the knowledge of the owner is the height of evil which can be done on anyone alive or dead without following the right channel. Medical Professionals understand what it takes to Harvest someone's Organ without the normal procedure and on this note, we are calling on the Police and other Law Agencies to take up this case which there is ongoing rumours that, the said Doctor is doing everything he can and within his power to kill the matter through the back door. 

This case is a very serious one. This is one of the cases that has kept one of the prominent Nigeria Politician, former Senate President Sen. Ikekweremadu who up till this moment is still battling with his wife to be freed. If such a case is swept under the carpet, it will only make more sense that this act of evil is been encouraged and simply means that, the patients right will constantly be violated and patients will continue to be exposed and feel unsafe all time. 

The situation at hand warrants urgent solutions by taking drastic measures and putting together every step to arrest this ugly trend. This is very sad but to be more sad, this may just be one out of many Doctors who are yet to be known or suspected at all. The public have the tax to also report such unwholesome attitudes of Doctors if found to be unclean to them, doing so may go a long way to reduce if not completely put an end to this Medical Evil acts by some Medical Professionals. 

From the News Desk: THe News Streams Nig

10th September, 2023
