Good morning Distinguish Leaders,

Following the declaration of a 2 Days warning Strike which commences tomorrow Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th September, 2023 by the National Body of the NLC in addressing the inability of the FG to meet its demands over the increase in the pump price in face of the current realities of hardship faced by the Nigerian people. The TUC met yesterday via zoom and delineated extensively over the this issue and pointed out the followings

1. NLC never deemed it fit to inform the National Leadership of the TUC before going to the media. This has been the usual practice over the years
2. The usual practice of the NLC of not informing the TUC of this plan, thereby expecting TUC to tag along is appalling 
3. The Organised Labour (TUC & NLC) have being in constructive discussion with the FG over numerous demands as a result of the removal of fuel subsidy and the hardship emanated from that. As such this led to the emerging of the Palliative measures.
4. Also, it was the TUC in one of the meeting that argued that the initial ₦2B that the FG was planning to give to state government in order to fission the effect of the hardship should be increased to ₦5B. This was done.
That on several occasion, the Leadership of the TUC has reached out to NLC on the need to collaborate and carry one another along, but they don't want. 
5. That the TUC will have to get their way into some meetings attended by the NLC without carrying the Senior Labour Centre along.
6. The discussion with the FG is still ongoing with the Organised Labour and as such strike such as this may cause civil unrest which may further degenerate into unprecedented wrath in the Nation.

However, having critically deliberated on the issues at hand, the TUC resolve as follows.

1. The TUC through its prestigious affiliates shall not join in the Strike. 
2. That the National Leadership will continue to engage constructively through the organised labour with the FG in achieving the demands on the table.
3. That the TUC will also engage the State Govt in ensuring that the ₦5B given to State Govt are all accounted for. This will be done through State Councils.
4. That the TUC will ensure that the Palliatives are also extended to Federal Workers, since there's no provision for them.
That the TUC remains one of the Labour Centres and never a "tag along".
5. The National Body of the TUC has mandated all State Council to engage their respective State Govt in ensuring they are part of the committee that will be set up in knowing how the money will be prioritised at the State level. 

Further information will be communicated in due time.

Thank you.
