Right To Reply!

It has been brought to my attention a news report making rounds in the Benue Social Media space, with the title SUSWAM DESTROYING TIV LEADERS, purportedly written by one Peter Awunah, which I'm sure is a fake name, but that's not the issue because it is coming from obvious sources anyway, the cowards have been using pseudo names and social media channels to attack the former governor of Benue State, Sen. Gabriel Torwua Suswam since May 29th.

These paid goons write all sorts of nonsense laced with bloody lies and propaganda that comes to their small minds all aimed at causing bad blood between the good Senator, Governor Hyacinth Alia, and HE, Sen. George Akume, Secretary to the Government of the Federation. 

1- I want to categorically state here that Sen. Suswam is not aiming or wants to "pocket" Governor Hyacinth Alia, even though the two leaders are from Zone A, they belong to different political parties, Suswam is just blessed with friendly character, and life disposition, loved by many which is a rare trait not found in some of our leaders today. 

2- In the ill-feted report the writer does allege that Gov. Alia has given Sen. Suswam N2b to assist him in court, but the question is, does Suswam work in court or anywhere within the judiciary system, it is a lie from the darkest and deepest pit of hell.  

3- It is a known fact that some political miscreants who are looking for relevance are cashing in on the induced crisis between the Alia and the Akume camps in the APC, but that's not Suswam's beat. Suswam is a statesman of repute, character, and integrity, he is a man of peace, and he does not inherit other people's enemies, or join in unnecessary fights. And if Suswam had known the issues between the Governor and the SGF, he would have called for peace instead. 

Posers for Peter Awunah...

4- The question again is, do this out-of-favor and now internally displaced undesirable political and social elements who openly worked against their party in the last general election and who are now seeking to return to power, hitherto through the back doors, think they can stampede everyone including Suswam?... Come on, we know their game plan, they want to create a crisis within our party and use that as an excuse to leave. After all, who doesn't know their antecedents, they are fair whether politicians! 

5- Talking about being ungrateful to Akume between Suswam and these same people who bragged that they'd retired Sen. George Akume, the undisputed political leader of Benue, a man they branded with the name 'Ashabugu' after the 2019 elections, who can be said to be most ungrateful to Akume, and who said Akume stole N2b? 

6- Sen. Suswam is not new to anyone in Benue, so allow Benue people to tell his story, all former governors did eight years, allow the people to compare notes, and allow Benue people to say their minds.

7- Awunah, ask your paymasters, why the sudden desperation to get back into the good books of Akume, tell him, whoever he or she is that they can't dictate to Suswam, who to mingle with or not, that the campaigns are over, now is time for work, tell them to go and get busy too. 

Peter Awunah, go and tell your sponsors that yours is a pathetic piece of propaganda, it is of no substance, also tell them that I say sorry, they should leak their wounds of defeat in peace, as they face their demons!   

Bede Bartholomew 
Media Aide to Sen. Gabriel Suswam.
Former Governor of Benue State.
